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Vintage 21 Hosts Advance: Resurgence of the Local Church

By Mark D. Roberts | Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I’ve been asked by the folks at Vintage 21, a church in Raleigh, North Carolina, to put in a good word for their upcoming conference: Advance: Resurgence of the Local Church. Here’s their vision for the conference:

Christ promises to build the Church, and that no force will prevail against it. Yet, the local church has been heavily battered in battle. Sadly, churches in America are in steady decline, with over 4000 closing their doors and 500,000 members leaving each year–never to return. This is not what the Lord desires. The Apostle Paul tells us that ” . . . through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places”. The local church is called to lift-up Jesus so that all the world might see Him. The local church is called to make known the Gospel and to be the vehicle of redemption for the world. Led by local churches, Advance09 is a conference committed to the resurgence of the local church for the glory of God. Our aim is to equip attendees with the Gospel so that the local church might become all that Jesus calls it to be. At this conference, we hope to ensure that on our watch and in our time we honor Jesus and see the resurgence of the local church. Advance09 is open to anyone: pastors and lay-leaders; church members and regular-attenders. We invite you to join us in this Great Cause.

They’ve gathered an impressive array of speakers, including John Piper and Mark Driscoll. (That’s a combination I would like to see!). If you register before April 17, you can get a discount.

I became aware of Vintage 21 a few years ago through a series of videos they created. These are some of the most creative, funny, insightful, and well-known of all Christian videos on the Internet. Many if not most of my readers will have seen them. But if you haven’t, I’d encourage you to check out the Vintage 21 Jesus series. You can see all videos in the link below. Together, they last only about nine minutes.

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One Response to “Vintage 21 Hosts Advance: Resurgence of the Local Church

  1. Kron Says:
    April 14th, 2009 at 12:27 pm

    Friend Isaiah 65:13,14 tells us a prophetic message that false religion (Babylon the great) is going to dry up. True worshipers will be evident.(Malichi3:18) Although Jesus is Gods son and he was perfect and he died for our sinful state and we owe our very existance to him, his Father is the most high God above all the Earth and Jesus is in subjection to him. (Psalm 83:18 and 1 Corinthians 15:28) You will have to find an older Bible for these scriptures to be most accurate because God’s name has been removed from most modern translations. Although they do acknowledge his existance by using LORD (all caps) for the Fathers name then for Jesus name they use lord (lower case). (example Psalm 110:1) For some reason people do not want to use the Fathers name. …. You will find God,s name also at Exodus 6:3… Also Jesus true followers are not any part of this world’s politics (John 18:36) This is because the world (wicked society) is passing away. (1 John 5:19) The Earth though will be here forever. (Genesis 8:20-22, Ecclesiastes 1:4, Psalm 104:5) to mention a few. Many, Many go to heaven to live with Jesus like he taught but many, many meek ones will inherit the Earth after the Great tribulation and Armageddon.(Mathew 24: 21,22)(Mathew 5:5) Hope this helps some to get out of the worlds religions and far away from satans political system and join the truth Because Armageddon is the war against all the Kings of the Earth. (Revelation 16:14,16) Jesus Kingdom is in opposition to this planets wicked rulers. May you choose wisely in the light of the truth and be without spot from the world. (James 1:27)


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