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Seeing With New Clarity

By Mark D. Roberts | Wednesday, January 7, 2009

glasses seeing clearly

I recently got a new pair of glasses. I hadn’t had my prescription for my glasses updated in a few years, so it was about time. As it turned out, my distance vision had improved, while my up-close vision had deteriorated. So I definitely needed some new lenses. These lenses, in addition to being just right for my aging eyes, also had a special treatment to reduce glare. The optician promised that I’d see much more clearly if I added this extra (and not inexpensive) treatment.

When I first put on my new pair of glasses in the doctor’s office, I had an experience I’ve only had once or twice in my life, also when putting on new glasses for the first time. The world looked startingly clear and precise. In fact, everything around me almost looked falsely crisp because I had become used to living in a state of bluriness. Even several days after first trying on my new glasses, I continue to marvel at how sharp the world looks.

This is exactly what happens, or what should happen, at any rate, when we become Christians and begin to see life through the lens of Scripture. We’re still looking at the same things – the same actions, events, conflicts, challenges, people, institution, and even ourselves – but we see them differently, with greater clarity. Such vision should enable us to live with new meaning and significance as we seek to live as citizens of God’s kingdom.

Topics: Musings |

2 Responses to “Seeing With New Clarity”

  1. Marcus Goodyear Says:
    January 8th, 2009 at 2:51 pm

    I love this. As a parable, I agree completely.

    But then I’m thinking about how Christians spend so much time disagreeing on interpretations of the Bible. I know this book should bring clarity, but so often we turn it around and use it to confuse each other.

    It’s like we’re all putting the glasses on backwards sometimes or something.

  2. HenryH Says:
    January 9th, 2009 at 4:09 am

    I’ve had a similar experience (with glasses). In fact, I may have one next week. At 49, I’m on the young side to have cataract surgery but that’s what’s happening (just one eye). I’m hoping that I’ll be amazed by the change and I’ll try to keep your little lesson in mind. Thanks again for all you do on this site.


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