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Sunday Inspiration from The High Calling
By Mark D. Roberts | Sunday, August 3, 2008
The Gracious Landowner
“When those hired at five o’clock were paid, each received a full day’s wage.”
Jesus did not tell the story of the generous landowner to comment on the validity of human pay scales. He was not suggesting that, in real life, those who work little should be paid just as much as those who work less. Rather, Jesus told this parable to illustrate the generosity of God, and to contrast his generosity with the stinginess of people.
In his ministry, Jesus was inviting into the kingdom those who had done nothing to earn such an honor. In fact, many of those who responded to Jesus were notorious sinners who had failed dismally to live according to the Jewish law. This bothered the religious folk who had spent their whole lives trying to obey God. It just didn’t seem fair that the Johnny-come-latelies should receive the reward for which the pious had strived for years and years.
In fact, it wasn’t fair . . . thanks be to God! If God offered what was fair, we’d all be in big trouble, even those of us who have labored a lifetime working for God. Our efforts would still not add up to an entrance ticket into the kingdom. But God gives us what we do not deserve, whether we first put our faith in Jesus as children, or whether we do trust him in the closing moments of our lives. Is this fair? Not at all. Is it gracious? Yes, indeed.
QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Have you received God’s grace in your life as you have put your trust in Jesus? Do you live by this grace, or do you live as if you were earning your salvation? Have you ever been resentful of people who have lived a life apart from God, but who have, nevertheless, received God’s grace in abundance? What has God given you that you have not deserved?
PRAYER: Dear Lord, I must confess that sometimes I am envious of those who come to know you later in life. I have walked with you for over forty years, and have enjoyed rich blessings from your hand. But then new believers come along with such zeal, such delight in you. I don’t resent them, but I do envy them. I yearn to be excited about you!
I do recognize, Lord, that you have “paid” me what I have not earned. You have been generous with me beyond anything I deserve or expect. How I thank you! Help me to live in daily gratitude, thanking you, not only for what I received, but also for what you give freely to others. Amen.
Daily Reflections from The High Calling.org
This devotional comes from The High Calling of Our Daily Work (www.thehighcalling.org). You can read my Daily Reflections there, or sign up to have them sent to your email inbox each day. This website contains lots of encouragement for people who are trying to live out their faith in the workplace.
Topics: Sunday Inspiration |
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August 3rd, 2008 at 4:10 pm
I have been taught all of my life that I am saved from judgement of my sin through Christ death, burial, and resurrection. I believe Jesus is who he said he is, and in everything he has done, but I still struggle with sin, and even when I overcome some there are others to fight and overcome.
I know that the New Testament also says we will give an account of the good and bad deeds we have done in this life. My question, is how can I be judged for bad deeds forgiven, and where does a Christian find them self in Christ when their walk has seem to been a constant struggle to overcome sin with success and failures? Do those failures separate us from Jesus when we are finally Judged (Mathew 7:21-23) or see James 2:24?
We all sin and fall short of God’s glory, but what does this mean to us after our conversion. I am certainly a better man than I was a year ago or ten years ago, but how is God’s grace appllied to sinful deeds once we are in Christ, and in what way are we judged for sinful deeds when we die in Christ. It seems Judgment includes both deeds and faith?