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You Know You’re in a Small Town When . . .

By Mark D. Roberts | Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Feb. 3

1200 block of S. Main Street, 12:30 a.m., Police pulled over a vehicle for driving recklessly. The driver said that he thought the vehicle in front of him was a bunch of kids so he was acting dumb. [MDR: I’m a little worried if the driver actually thought the vehicle in front of him “was a bunch of kids.” Notice, it doesn’t say, “was filled with a bunch of kids.” No, he thought the vehicle was the kids. That’s pretty scary! ]
Feb. 4

J Williams Road, 10:35 p.m., A caller reported that someone placed a dead deer on her car during the night. [MDR: Either that or a dying deer jumped up on her car right before giving up the ghost.]
Feb. 5

100 block of West Street, Comfort, 4:32 p.m., A caller reported that her purse was stolen from her unlocked vehicle. [MDR: Note to self: Always lock car when leaving purse in it. Another note to self: Don’t leave purse in car. Period.]
Feb. 6

37000 block of W. Interstate 10, 12:39 a.m., Police responded to a 911 hang-up call. The caller said he just moved into town and was lonely and just wanted to talk. [MDR: So did they arrest him? Or take him out for dinner?]

Feb. 7

100 block Thunder Valley, 11:59 a.m., Caller reported that while trying to sell a piece of property, prospective buyer was attacked by neighbor’s dogs. Seller wanted to know if he could shoot the dogs. [MDR: Now that’s a way to lose a sale. At least seller didn’t want to shoot the neighbor.]

zebra texas hatFarm Road 473, 10:15 p.m., Caller said a stray zebra was standing in her front yard. While an officer was en route, a vehicle hit the animal which sustained minor injuries. Animal control loaded the zebra into a trailer and took it to the wildlife refuge. [MDR: I hate it when stray zebras show up in my front yard. Question: How do you know if a Zebra is from Texas? Answer: Look for the Stetson hat.]

Topics: Small Town, Police Blotter |

3 Responses to “You Know You’re in a Small Town When . . .”

  1. Jimbo S. Says:
    March 25th, 2008 at 9:51 am

    Pastor Mark,

    LOL! You are in a small town! : )
    Please keep em’ coming!
    Love your web site-so many great articles, resources, your experiences and everything in between.

    In Christ,
    Jimbo S.
    Chesterton, IN

  2. Brian Jones Says:
    March 25th, 2008 at 12:48 pm


    That’s hysterical! It sounds like my hometown! I appreciate the great laughs and deep content week after week. Press on.

    Brian Jones

  3. Only in Texas???? Or Africa! | Says:
    May 10th, 2008 at 12:02 am

    […] fences. A couple of months ago, a zebra got out and worried people who live in my town. It made the local police blotter. You may remember this entry from one of my earlier posts: Farm Road 473, 10:15 p.m., Caller said a […]


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