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« Christmas Resources | Home | Advent Calendar for December 25 »

Merry Christmas!

By Mark D. Roberts | Tuesday, December 25, 2007

May God give you a blessed and joyful Christmas
as you celebrate the Incarnation of the Word!

baldung grien nativity

Oil on wood, 105,5 x 70,4 cm
Alte Pinakothek, Munich
Image c/o Web Gallery of Art

What a striking painting of the entry of the Son of God into a broken, ruined world. He comes for the healing of all creation, even the animals. In the midst of the humble destruction in which Jesus is born, we glimpse the miracle of His own supernatural radiation, as well as the angelic visit to the shepherds in the background. The glorious God has truly entered into the mess of human life in order to redeem it . . . and us!

Topics: Christmas |


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