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Inspiration from the Pray the Gospels
By Mark D. Roberts | Sunday, October 14, 2007
I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:5
Click here to read all of John 15:1-11
Dear Lord, I want to live a fruitful life. I want my life to count. At the end of my days, I’d like to be able to look back and see that I have made a real difference for Your kingdom. To use the language of John 15, I want to bear fruit, indeed, much fruit.
And so I must abide in You, because apart from You I can do nothing of real value. Oh, to be sure, I can do all sorts of things. But that which really matters comes only as You work in and through me, only as I’m abiding in You. So help me, dear Lord, to make my home in You, to spend time with You, to draw my sustenance from You, to allow You to define me and empower me.
Keep me from the easy temptation of relying on myself. Even as I use gifts You have given me, may I be consciously aware of the source of my abilities. May I rely on You in all things, and seek to live, not for myself, but for You and Your glory.
O Lord, may my life be fruitful for You . . . even today!
Questions for Reflection
Do you really believe that apart from Jesus you can do nothing of lasting value?
How do you abide, that is, make your home in Jesus?
How can you abide in Jesus today?
Pray the Gospels is one of my two devotional websites. The other is Pray the Psalms. Both sites include a daily Bible reading from either the Gospels or the Psalms, along with a prayer and some additional thoughts or questions for reflection.
Topics: Sunday Inspiration |
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October 22nd, 2007 at 5:27 am
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