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Mind Your Head

By Mark D. Roberts | Saturday, July 14, 2007

Here is one of my all-time favorite signs from my recent vacation in Europe:

Europeans are fond of saying “Mind . . .” when we Americans would say “Watch out for . . . .” In the Tube (subway) of London, for example, one often hears “Mind the gap” (the space between the subway train and the platform).

But I must say that I like “Mind Your Head” not only for it’s obvious meaning – Don’t Bump Your Head – but also for it’s suggestive meaning – Take good care of what you put into your brain and how you use it! I, for one, need to keep on minding my head. How about you?

Topics: European Reflections |

2 Responses to “Mind Your Head”

  1. Ted Gossard Says:
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:59 am

    Yes. That’s true. So much of how we act and react and live really begins in our minds. Why we need the transformation of our minds, and why it can be so helpful to read good books and blogs.

    And oh, that can hurt!

  2. Bill Goff Says:
    July 17th, 2007 at 12:00 pm

    One of my favorite signs in Russia I read two years ago on a door in the waiting room at the domestic airport in Moscow: “Service Personal Only”. This year I notice that the sign had been removed. I don’t know what this says for the service.


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