Mark's Schedule
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Preaching and Teaching at Irvine Presbyterian Church

Mark preaches most weekends at Irvine Presybyterian Church: Saturday Evening Service at 6:00 p.m.; Sunday Morning services at 8:30 and 10:15 a.m.

Also, Mark teaches an in-depth Bible study on Thursday mornings, from 6:45 to 7:45 a.m. This "Pastor's Study" meets in the Fireside Alcove of the Fellowship Hall.

For directions to Irvine Presbyterian Church, click here.

Other Speaking Engagements and Inteviews

January 2004

Interview on The Passion of the Christ with Mark Daniels of WFIL, Philadelphia, PA
January 9, 2004

Workshop on "A Vision for Worship" at the Southern California Worship Institute, Fullerton, California
January 12 & 15, 2004

Interview on The Passion of the Christ with Larry Weidman of WGRC, Lewisburg, PA
January 16, 2004

Interview on The Passion of the Christ with Sean Herriott of WMUZ, Detroit, MI
January 29, 2004

February 2004

Interview on The Da Vinci Code with Mark O'Keefe of Newhouse Publications
February 4, 2004

Interview on The Passion of the Christ with Kurt Goff of SOS Radio Network, Western USA
February 9, 2004

Interview on The Passion of the Christ with Hugh Hewitt on the Hugh Hewitt Show, nationally syndicated in over 60 cities.
February date to be announced. For more information on Hugh's show, click here.

Interview on The Passion of the Christ with Mark Elfstrand of WMBI, Chicago, IL
February 24, 2004

March 2004

Speaking at the Men's Breakfast, First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood
Saturday, March 13, 2004, 8:00 a.m. For more information, click here.

Speaking at the Couples' Garden, First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood
Saturday, March 20, 2004, 5:30 p.m. For more information, click here.
Speaking with my wife, Linda, on the topic: "Five Keys to a Thriving Marriage."

April 2004

Fuller Theological Seminary, Orange County Extension
"Worship in the New Testament and Today"
Friday evening-Saturday all day, April 16-17, April 30-May 1, May 21-22

This course examines the theology and practice of early Christian worship as found in the writings of the New Testament. These writings will be studied in relationship to Old Testament theology, intertestamental Jewish worship, Greco-Roman religious practice, early Christian experience, and diverse contemporary forms of worship. Questions to be addressed include: What is Christian worship? Whom do Christians worship? How is worship a function of a Christian community? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in worship? In what sense is Christian worship Trinitarian? What should be the role of women in worship? What is the relationship between worship and evangelism? What are the purposes of Christian worship? How should worship interact with culture? To what extent should all genuine forms of Christian worship include certain core expressions or themes?

This course is taught for graduate credit. For more information, click here.

Teaching a Seminar at the National Presbyterian Men Weekend Gathering, Long Beach, CA
Saturday, April 24, 2004. For more information on this gathering, click here.

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