The Leaders' Retreat
October 23-26, 2008
This year, the annual Laity Lodge Leaders' Retreat will focus on the theme of:
“The High Calling of our Daily Work –
Integrating Faith into All Aspects
of our Lives”
It's not just pastors and priests who are called into ministry. Every single Christian is called by God into his ministry. And ministry doesn't happen only in church buildings. It's what we do for the Lord in every facet of our lives, including our workplaces, homes, charitable organizations, and so on.
Through engaging biblical teaching and compelling personal stories, we will consider how we can be leaders who serve the Lord in all we do.

How to Register
for the Retreat
You can register for the retreat by mailing the form below with a $100 deposit. If you have any questions, please call or email Ann Jack, our registrar (830-792-1230,
Name(s) ________________________________________
Street __________________________________________
City _________________ State _______ Zip ____________
Daytime Phone ___________________________________
Email Address ____________________________________
Roommate Preference ______________________________
Lodging: Lodge __________ or Black Bluff ___________
$390 $465
Method of Payment: Check ______ Visa/MC _______
Card # ________________________ Exp. Date _________
Signature _______________________________________
Mail to:
Ann Jack
Laity Lodge
P.O. Box 290670
Kerrville, TX 78029-0670